4.6 ( 7336 ratings )
开发 Cold Stone Creamery Taiwan, Ltd.

為了讓手機用戶能夠隨時隨地享受COLD STONE酷聖石冰淇淋提供的歡樂體驗,推出「COLD STONE酷聖石冰淇淋」手機應用程式, 一手掌握品牌最新消息、查詢您喜愛的產品資訊、找尋鄰近的門市位置、充滿趣味的自創冰淇淋小遊戲,並建立Stone卡會員專區,還有專屬APP用戶的每月限定優惠,給您最即時的歡樂體驗!
In order for mobile phone users can enjoy COLD STONE ice cream anytime, anywhere; COLD STONE Creamery introduces “COLD STONE Creamery” mobile phone application, which offers wonderful user experience and five major functions: the latest news, create your own flavor, stone card club, store information and downloadable coupons. COLD STONE Creamery provides you a joyful ice cream making experience with fun and creativity.

「COLD STONE酷聖石冰淇淋」功能特色說明:
提供最新即時的優惠活動內容,也能迅速連結到COLD STONE酷聖石冰淇淋的Facebook粉絲團,隨時隨地都能得知COLD STONE的好康消息!
1.The latest news
This feature provides the latest events and a link to the COLD STONE Creamery Facebook fan page, anytime, anywhere!

獻給喜歡在COLD STONE門市品嚐自創冰淇淋的你,現在可以在手機內製作自創冰淇淋了!選擇脆餅、冰淇淋、醬料、配料、裝飾品、冰淇淋碗,每一個步驟都完成後,就能儲存在App內的「冰淇淋櫃」,或直接發布到你的Facebook個人塗鴉牆分享給朋友觀看。
2.Create your own COLD STONE ice cream feature
Dedicated to the fans that enjoy creating your own flavors in the COLD STONE stores you can now create your flavors on mobile phone! Choose from the options of different in ingredients, decorations, sauces and even ice cream bowls. After you create you finish create your own, the COLD STONE ice cream can be saved in the ""ice cream freezer"", and directly post to your Facebook wall and share with your friends.

3. Stone card club
Check your stone card latest information and special discount offer! You can also find stone card FAQ and directly link to official website for card registration and other service.

利用手機的地理定位功能,迅速找出你所在位置附近的COLD STONE門市,點選後可查看門市營業時間、座位數量、門市電話、地址的相關資訊。
4.Store information
Quickly find the location of COLD STONE stores around your area by using mobile GPA system. If you click it, you can also check the store operating hours, number of seats, store number and address information.

We offer APP users different coupon every month. You can easily visit COLD STONE stores and show the APP e-coupon to our shop clerks to use it!